
block on fb

block on fb

facebook -parental-controls-guide”>Facebook is arguably one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. With over 2.7 billion monthly active users, it has become an integral part of our daily lives. However, with its widespread usage, there are bound to be instances where users may encounter issues, such as being blocked on Facebook. In this article, we will delve into the reasons why someone may get blocked on Facebook, the consequences of being blocked, and how to avoid it.

First and foremost, let us understand what it means to be blocked on Facebook. When someone blocks you on Facebook, it means that they have restricted you from viewing their profile, sending them messages, or interacting with them on the platform. This can be done for various reasons, and often the person who is blocked is not even aware of it until they try to communicate with the blocker.

There are a few reasons why someone may get blocked on Facebook. The most common reason is if someone has violated Facebook’s Community Standards. These standards include guidelines on hate speech, bullying, nudity, and violence, among others. If someone has been reported for violating these standards, Facebook may take action by temporarily or permanently blocking them from the platform.

Another reason for being blocked on Facebook is spamming. This can include sending a large number of friend requests, posting irrelevant or promotional content on groups or pages, or constantly sending unsolicited messages. Facebook has strict policies against spamming, and if someone is found guilty, they may be blocked from the platform.

Furthermore, if someone has been reported for harassment or bullying, they may be blocked from Facebook. This includes sending threatening or abusive messages, posting personal information without consent, or repeatedly tagging someone in posts against their will. Facebook takes such reports seriously and may block the offender to protect the victim.

Apart from violating community standards, spamming, and harassment, there are a few other reasons why someone may get blocked on Facebook. These include creating multiple fake accounts, using a fake name or identity, or participating in illegal activities on the platform. In any of these cases, Facebook may take strict action by blocking the user’s account.

Now that we have understood the reasons behind getting blocked on Facebook, let us look into the consequences of being blocked. The most apparent consequence is losing access to the person who has blocked you . This can be frustrating, especially if it is a close friend or family member. You will not be able to see their posts, send them messages, or tag them in your posts.

Additionally, being blocked on Facebook can also affect your online reputation. If someone has blocked you , it may indicate that they do not want to associate with you or have a negative perception of you. This can be damaging, especially if you are professionally connected with the person who has blocked you.

Moreover, if someone has been blocked for violating Facebook’s policies, it can result in legal consequences. For instance, if someone has been reported for cyberbullying or harassment, they may face legal action by the victim. This can lead to penalties, fines, and even imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offense.

So, how can you avoid getting blocked on Facebook? The most crucial step is to familiarize yourself with Facebook’s Community Standards and abide by them. This includes refraining from posting offensive content, respecting others’ privacy, and not engaging in illegal activities on the platform. Additionally, avoid spamming or sending unsolicited messages to prevent being reported for harassment or spam.

Moreover, be mindful of your online behavior and how it may affect others. Do not tag people in posts without their consent, do not post personal information without permission, and avoid engaging in arguments or conflicts on Facebook. Remember, what you post on the internet can have real-life consequences, so be responsible and think before you post.

In conclusion, being blocked on Facebook can be a frustrating and damaging experience. It can hinder your online interactions and even have legal consequences. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of Facebook’s policies and avoid any behavior that may result in being blocked. Remember, social media should be used to connect and communicate positively, not to spread hate or harass others. So, use it responsibly and enjoy the benefits it has to offer.

how to see blocked calls on iphone

As technology continues to advance, our smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives. From communication to entertainment, these devices have made our lives more convenient and efficient. However, with the rise of phone scams and telemarketing calls, our phones have also become inundated with unwanted and annoying calls. Thankfully, Apple has provided a built-in feature on iPhones that allow users to block these unwanted calls. In this article, we will discuss how to see blocked calls on an iPhone, as well as the benefits and limitations of this feature.

What is Call Blocking?

Call blocking is a popular feature on smartphones that allows users to block specific phone numbers from calling or messaging them. This feature is particularly useful for avoiding unwanted calls from telemarketers, scammers, or ex-partners. When a number is blocked, all calls and messages from that number will be automatically redirected to voicemail, without the user being notified. This feature also works for FaceTime calls.

Why Do People Block Calls?

There are many reasons why people choose to block calls on their iPhones. Here are the top three reasons:

1. Avoiding Unwanted Calls and Messages

The most common reason for blocking calls is to avoid unwanted calls and messages. These can be from telemarketers, scammers, or even people you no longer want to communicate with. Blocking their number ensures that you won’t receive any calls or messages from them.

2. Protecting Your Privacy

In today’s digital age, our personal information is more vulnerable than ever. Blocked calls are an effective way to protect your privacy and prevent your personal information from falling into the wrong hands. By blocking a number, you are preventing the caller from knowing your phone number and potentially using it for malicious purposes.

3. Maintaining a Healthy Relationship

Sometimes, blocking calls is necessary to maintain a healthy relationship. This can be with an ex-partner or someone who continuously harasses or bullies you. Blocking their number can help you move on and eliminate any negative impact they may have on your life.

How to Block Calls on an iPhone?

Now that we know why people block calls, let’s discuss how to do it on an iPhone. The process is relatively simple and can be done in a few easy steps. Here’s how:

1. Open the Phone App

The first step is to open the phone app on your iPhone. This app is green and has a white phone icon on it. Alternatively, you can also find the phone app by swiping down from the middle of your home screen and typing in “phone” in the search bar.

2. Go to Recent Calls

Once the phone app is open, go to the “recent” tab at the bottom of the screen. Here, you will find a list of all the calls you have received, made, or missed.

3. Find the Number You Want to Block

Scroll through the list of calls and find the number you want to block. Once you have found it, tap on the “i” icon next to the number.

4. Select “Block this Caller”

After tapping on the “i” icon, you will see a list of options. Select the “block this caller” option at the bottom of the list.

5. Confirm the Action

A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm the action. Select “block contact” to confirm. This will add the number to your blocked list, and all calls and messages from this number will be automatically redirected to voicemail.

How to See Blocked Calls on an iPhone?

Now that you know how to block calls, let’s discuss how to see blocked calls on an iPhone. Apple has made it easy for users to view their blocked list and make changes if necessary. Here’s how:

1. Open Settings

Open the Settings app on your iPhone. This app has a grey cogwheel icon and can be found on your home screen.

2. Go to Phone Settings

Scroll down and find the “phone” settings. Tap on it to open the phone settings menu.

3. Select “Call Blocking & Identification”

Under the calls section, you will find the “call blocking & identification” option. Tap on it to open the call blocking menu.

4. View Blocked Contacts

In this menu, you will see a list of all the numbers you have blocked on your iPhone. You can scroll through the list to view the numbers, or you can type in the search bar to find a specific number.

5. Make Changes if Necessary

If you want to unblock a number, simply swipe left on the number and tap on “unblock.” You can also add new numbers to your blocked list by tapping on the “add new” option at the bottom of the list.

Benefits of Blocking Calls on an iPhone

The call blocking feature on iPhones offers many benefits to users. Here are a few of them:

1. Peace of Mind

By blocking unwanted calls, you can have peace of mind knowing that you won’t be disturbed by calls from telemarketers or scammers. This feature is especially useful during important meetings or when trying to get some rest.

2. Protects Your Privacy

As mentioned earlier, blocking calls can help protect your privacy and prevent your personal information from being compromised. This is particularly important in today’s digital age, where scams and identity theft are prevalent.

3. Saves Time and Energy

Blocking calls also saves you time and energy. Instead of constantly declining calls from unwanted numbers, you can simply block them and avoid the hassle altogether.

Limitations of Blocking Calls on an iPhone

While the call blocking feature on iPhones is useful, it also has its limitations. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Blocked Numbers Can Still Leave Voicemails

When a number is blocked, calls and messages from that number are redirected to voicemail. This means that the caller can still leave a voicemail, and you will be notified of it. However, you can choose to delete the voicemail without listening to it.

2. Emergency Calls May Still Come Through

In case of an emergency, blocked numbers may still be able to call you. This is because emergency calls are not blocked by the call blocking feature. If you want to block all calls, you can enable the “do not disturb” mode on your iPhone.

3. Limited to One Phone

The call blocking feature only applies to the iPhone on which the number is blocked. If you have multiple devices, such as an iPad or a Mac, the number will not be blocked on those devices.


In conclusion, the call blocking feature on iPhones is a useful tool for avoiding unwanted calls and protecting your privacy. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can easily block and unblock numbers on your iPhone. However, it’s essential to keep in mind the limitations of this feature and use it responsibly. With this feature, you can finally take control of your phone and avoid annoying and unwanted calls.

how to know if you have been blocked on iphone

Being blocked on your iPhone can be a frustrating experience, especially if you are trying to reach out to someone and suddenly realize that you are unable to contact them. While it is common to assume that the person is simply busy or not in the mood to talk, there is always the possibility that you have been blocked. In this article, we will explore how to know if you have been blocked on iPhone and what steps you can take to confirm it.

Firstly, let’s understand what it means to be blocked on iPhone. When someone blocks you on their iPhone, it means that they have restricted all forms of communication with you. This includes calls, text messages, and even FaceTime. Essentially, it is a way for the person to cut off all contact with you without having to delete your contact information. This can be a deliberate action taken by someone to avoid any form of communication with you or it could be a result of a misunderstanding.

Now, let’s delve into the ways to know if you have been blocked on iPhone.

1. Call blocking

The most obvious sign that you have been blocked on iPhone is when you are unable to make a call to the person. When you try to call them, the call will not go through and you will not even hear a ringtone. Instead, you will get a message saying “Call Failed” or “Unable to Call”. This is a clear indication that the person has blocked your number. However, it is important to note that this could also happen if the person’s phone is switched off or they are in an area with no network coverage.

2. Text messages

Another way to know if you have been blocked on iPhone is by sending a text message to the person. If you have been blocked, your message will not be delivered and you will not receive a notification saying that it was not delivered. However, this could also happen if the person has their phone switched off or is in an area with no network coverage. Therefore, it is important to try sending a text message at different times to confirm if you have been blocked or not.

3. FaceTime

If the person you are trying to reach is an iPhone user, you can also try to FaceTime them to see if you have been blocked. If you have been blocked, the FaceTime call will not go through and you will not even see the option to call them. Similar to the previous methods, this could also happen if the person’s phone is switched off or they are in an area with no network coverage.

4. Check for a busy tone

If you are trying to call the person and you hear a busy tone, it could also mean that you have been blocked. However, this is not a foolproof method as the person could genuinely be on another call. Moreover, if the person has their phone on do not disturb mode, you will also hear a busy tone.

5. Check for a single tick

When you send a text message to someone on iPhone, you will see a single tick next to the message when it is sent and a double tick when it is delivered. If you have been blocked, you will only see a single tick, indicating that the message has been sent but not delivered. This is a clear indication that you have been blocked.

6. Check for profile picture and last seen

If you are using iMessage to communicate with the person, you can check for their profile picture and last seen status. If you have been blocked, you will not be able to see their profile picture and their last seen status will not be updated. This is because when someone blocks you on iMessage, they also remove your access to their profile picture and last seen status.

7. Create a group chat

Another way to confirm if you have been blocked is by creating a group chat with the person you suspect has blocked you and a mutual friend. If you have been blocked, you will not be able to add the person to the group chat and it will show an error message. This is a clear indication that you have been blocked.

8. Listen to voicemail

If you have been blocked, your calls will automatically go to voicemail. However, if you are able to leave a voicemail, it could mean that the person has not blocked you. This could happen if the person has set their phone to do not disturb mode or if they have manually rejected your call.

9. Check social media

If you are still unsure if you have been blocked, you can check the person’s social media accounts. If they have blocked you on their phone, there is a possibility that they have also blocked you on social media. However, this is not a foolproof method as the person could have also deactivated their account or simply unfollowed you.

10. Ask a mutual friend

If you have a mutual friend with the person you suspect has blocked you, you can ask them to confirm if they are able to reach the person or not. If your mutual friend is able to reach them, it could mean that you have been blocked. However, if they are also unable to reach the person, it could indicate that they are genuinely busy or have switched off their phone.

In conclusion, there are various ways to know if you have been blocked on iPhone. However, it is important to note that these methods are not always accurate and could also happen due to other reasons. Therefore, it is best to try a combination of these methods and also consider the context of the situation before jumping to conclusions.

If you have been blocked on iPhone, it is important to respect the person’s decision and not try to bypass the block or contact them through other means. It is also advisable to talk to the person and try to resolve any misunderstandings that may have led to the block. Communication is key in any relationship and it is important to respect the boundaries set by others.

On the other hand, if you have accidentally blocked someone on your iPhone and want to unblock them, you can do so by going to your “Settings” and selecting “Phone”. From there, you can view your blocked contacts and unblock the person you wish to communicate with again.

In a world where communication is at our fingertips, being blocked on iPhone can feel like a major setback. However, it is important to remember that it is not the end of the world and there are always other ways to communicate with people. If you suspect that you have been blocked, it is best to take a step back and evaluate the situation before taking any drastic actions.

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