
se puede recuperar mensajes borrados de messenger

se puede recuperar mensajes borrados de messenger

En la era digital en la que vivimos, las aplicaciones de mensajería se han convertido en una parte fundamental de nuestras vidas. Uno de los líderes indiscutibles en este campo es Messenger, la aplicación de mensajería instantánea de Facebook. Con millones de usuarios en todo el mundo, Messenger se ha convertido en una herramienta esencial para mantenernos en contacto con amigos, familiares y colegas. Sin embargo, a pesar de su popularidad y facilidad de uso, a veces podemos cometer errores y borrar mensajes importantes de Messenger. En este artículo, exploraremos si es posible recuperar mensajes borrados de Messenger y cómo hacerlo.

Antes de entrar en detalles sobre cómo recuperar mensajes borrados de Messenger, es importante comprender cómo funciona la aplicación. Cuando borramos un mensaje de Messenger, este no se elimina por completo de los servidores de Facebook. En cambio, se mueve a una carpeta llamada “Archivados”, donde permanece durante 30 días antes de eliminarse por completo. Por lo tanto, si hemos borrado un mensaje por error, todavía tenemos un margen de tiempo para recuperarlo antes de que se elimine de forma permanente.

Una forma sencilla de recuperar mensajes borrados de Messenger es accediendo a la carpeta “Archivados”. Para hacerlo, siga estos pasos: abra la aplicación de Messenger en su dispositivo móvil y toque el ícono de la lupa en la parte superior de la pantalla. Luego, escriba el nombre de la persona con la que ha intercambiado mensajes y busque el mensaje que desea recuperar. Si el mensaje se encuentra en la carpeta “Archivados”, simplemente tóquelo y seleccione “Desarchivar” para que vuelva a aparecer en su bandeja de entrada.

Sin embargo, si han pasado más de 30 días desde que eliminó el mensaje, no podrá recuperarlo a través de la carpeta “Archivados”. En este caso, tendrá que recurrir a otras opciones para intentar recuperar el mensaje eliminado.

Una opción es utilizar una herramienta de recuperación de datos. Existen varias aplicaciones y programas en el mercado que pueden ayudarlo a recuperar mensajes borrados de Messenger. Estas herramientas utilizan algoritmos avanzados que escanean su dispositivo en busca de datos eliminados y los recuperan si es posible. Sin embargo, estas herramientas no garantizan una tasa de éxito del 100%, ya que dependen de varios factores, como el tiempo transcurrido desde la eliminación del mensaje y si su dispositivo ha sido utilizado desde entonces.

Otra forma de recuperar mensajes borrados de Messenger es a través de una copia de seguridad. Si ha habilitado la opción de copia de seguridad en su dispositivo móvil, es posible que pueda recuperar el mensaje eliminado a través de ella. Para hacerlo, siga estos pasos: vaya a la configuración de su dispositivo y busque la opción de copia de seguridad y restauración. Si ha habilitado la opción de copia de seguridad para Messenger, es posible que pueda encontrar una copia de seguridad reciente que contenga el mensaje eliminado.

Si ninguna de estas opciones funciona, es posible que tenga que recurrir a métodos más avanzados, como la recuperación de datos a través de la tarjeta de memoria o el uso de software de recuperación de datos de terceros. Sin embargo, estos métodos pueden ser más complicados y requerir conocimientos técnicos y experiencia en informática.

Es importante tener en cuenta que, si bien es posible recuperar mensajes borrados de Messenger, no siempre es garantía de éxito. Como mencionamos anteriormente, existen varios factores que pueden afectar la capacidad de recuperar mensajes eliminados, y no hay una solución única para todos los casos. Por lo tanto, es importante tener cuidado al eliminar mensajes en Messenger y asegurarse de que realmente desea eliminarlos antes de hacerlo.

Además, es importante tener en cuenta que, en algunos casos, es posible que no desee recuperar un mensaje eliminado. Por ejemplo, si ha eliminado un mensaje que contenía información confidencial o comprometedora, es posible que no desee que se recupere. En estos casos, es esencial tener cuidado al borrar mensajes y asegurarse de que realmente desea eliminarlos antes de hacerlo.

En resumen, es posible recuperar mensajes borrados de Messenger, pero no es una garantía absoluta. Si ha eliminado un mensaje importante por error, es aconsejable actuar lo antes posible y utilizar las opciones de recuperación disponibles, como la carpeta “Archivados” o una herramienta de recuperación de datos. También es importante tener precaución al eliminar mensajes y asegurarse de que realmente desea eliminarlos antes de hacerlo. Con estos consejos en mente, puede minimizar la posibilidad de perder mensajes importantes en Messenger en el futuro.

girlfriend always on phone

Title: The Impact of Excessive Phone Use on Relationships: Understanding Your Girlfriend’s Phone Addiction


In today’s digital age, it’s not uncommon to find individuals glued to their smartphones for various reasons. However, when excessive phone use starts to interfere with personal relationships, it can become a cause for concern. This article delves into the topic of a girlfriend who is always on her phone, exploring the potential reasons behind such behavior, its impact on relationships, and providing tips on how to address the issue constructively.

1. Understanding the Reasons:

Before jumping to conclusions, it’s important to understand the underlying reasons why your girlfriend may be constantly on her phone. Several factors could contribute to this behavior, including:

a) Social Media Addiction: The allure of social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram , and Snapchat , can be addictive and often lead to mindless scrolling.

b) Work-Related Obligations: If your girlfriend’s job requires constant connectivity, she may feel compelled to be on her phone frequently.

c) Emotional Distress or Escapism: Some individuals use their phones as a means of escaping from personal problems or emotional distress, seeking solace in virtual worlds.

2. Recognizing the Impact on Relationships:

Excessive phone use can significantly impact relationships in several ways:

a) Lack of Quality Time: Constant phone use may result in reduced quality time spent with loved ones, leading to feelings of neglect and isolation.

b) Communication Breakdown: When one partner is always on their phone, communication can suffer, leading to misunderstandings and feelings of disconnection.

c) Emotional Disconnection: Excessive phone use may cause emotional disconnection, as the attention and focus are redirected towards the virtual world rather than the present relationship.

3. Signaling the Problem:

If your girlfriend’s phone addiction is causing strain in your relationship, it’s crucial to address the issue sensitively. Start by having an open and honest conversation about your concerns, emphasizing your desire for a healthy and balanced relationship.

4. Seeking Professional Help:

In some cases, excessive phone use may be a sign of a deeper underlying issue, such as anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions. Encourage your girlfriend to seek professional help if you suspect this may be the case. A mental health professional can provide guidance and support in overcoming phone addiction and addressing any underlying emotional distress.

5. Setting Boundaries:

Establishing clear boundaries regarding phone use can help restore balance in your relationship. Discuss and agree upon specific times or situations when phone use should be limited, such as during meals or designated quality time together.

6. Encouraging Alternative Activities:

Suggest engaging in activities that promote quality time and interaction without the interference of phones. This could include going for walks, cooking together, or pursuing shared hobbies. By redirecting focus towards these activities, you can help break the cycle of excessive phone use.

7. Leading by Example:

If you’re concerned about your girlfriend’s phone addiction, it’s important to reflect on your own phone habits as well. Lead by example by reducing your own phone use and demonstrating the importance of being present in the relationship.

8. Encouraging Offline Engagement:

Encourage your girlfriend to engage in offline activities that promote personal growth and well-being. This could include exercise, reading, pursuing hobbies, or spending time with friends and family. By diversifying her activities, she may find it easier to reduce her reliance on the phone.

9. Supporting Healthy Communication:

To rebuild the lines of communication, prioritize active listening and empathetic understanding. Practicing effective communication skills can help bridge any emotional gaps that may have resulted from excessive phone use.

10. Patience and Understanding:

Overcoming phone addiction is a process that requires patience and understanding. Avoid blaming or criticizing your girlfriend, as this may exacerbate the issue. Instead, offer support and reassurance, emphasizing your commitment to working together towards a healthier relationship.


Excessive phone use can pose significant challenges to relationships, but with open communication, understanding, and proactive steps, it is possible to address the issue constructively. By recognizing the reasons behind your girlfriend’s phone addiction, setting boundaries, and encouraging alternative activities, you can work towards a healthier and more balanced relationship. Remember, change takes time, so be patient and supportive throughout the journey.

update phone to marshmallow

Title: Upgrading Your Phone to Marshmallow: A Comprehensive Guide


In today’s fast-paced digital age, staying up-to-date with the latest software updates is essential to maximize the functionality and security of our smartphones. One such significant software update is Android Marshmallow, the sixth major release of the Android operating system. In this article, we will delve into the process of upgrading your phone to Marshmallow, discussing its features, benefits, and step-by-step instructions to ensure a successful update.

Paragraph 1: Understanding Android Marshmallow
Android Marshmallow, also known as Android 6.0, was released by Google in 2015, boasting several notable features and improvements over its predecessor, Android Lollipop. Some key features include enhanced app permissions, Doze mode for improved battery life, Google Now on Tap, a redesigned app drawer, and more. Upgrading to Marshmallow ensures a smoother and more secure user experience.

Paragraph 2: Compatibility and Eligibility
Before proceeding with the update, it is important to check whether your device is eligible for the Marshmallow update. Typically, most smartphones released around 2014 and onwards are eligible for this upgrade. However, it is recommended to visit the official website of your device’s manufacturer or check with your carrier to confirm compatibility.

Paragraph 3: Backup Data
Before initiating any major software update, it is crucial to back up your phone’s data to prevent any loss or corruption during the process. Create a backup of your contacts, photos, videos, documents, and any other important files either through cloud services or by connecting your device to a computer .

Paragraph 4: Ensure Sufficient Battery and Storage
To ensure a smooth update process, make sure your phone has sufficient battery life, ideally above 50%. Additionally, verify that your device has enough internal storage space available for the update. If necessary, remove unnecessary apps or files to free up space.

Paragraph 5: Connect to a Stable Wi-Fi Network
Updating your phone to Marshmallow requires a stable internet connection, preferably Wi-Fi. Connect your device to a trusted and reliable Wi-Fi network to avoid any interruptions or data charges during the update.

Paragraph 6: Check for System Updates
Before directly updating to Marshmallow, it is recommended to ensure that your device is running on the latest available system update. System updates often include bug fixes and optimizations, preparing your phone for the newer Android version.

Paragraph 7: Manual Update Process
To manually update your phone to Marshmallow, navigate to the “Settings” app on your device. From there, locate the “About Phone” or “Software Update” section, depending on your device’s manufacturer. Within this section, you should find an option to check for updates. If an update is available, follow the on-screen instructions to initiate the installation process.

Paragraph 8: Over-The-Air (OTA) Update
In certain cases, your phone may receive an Over-The-Air (OTA) update notification, prompting you to install Marshmallow. If you receive such a notification, ensure your device is connected to Wi-Fi and has sufficient battery life. Follow the on-screen prompts to download and install the update. Once the installation is complete, your phone will restart, and you’ll be running Android Marshmallow.

Paragraph 9: Troubleshooting
During the update process, some users may encounter issues or errors. If you face any difficulties, try restarting your phone and attempting the update again. If the problem persists, consider contacting your device’s manufacturer or seeking assistance from a professional technician.

Paragraph 10: Post-Upgrade Optimization
Once you have successfully updated your phone to Marshmallow, it is advisable to optimize your device for optimal performance. Clear app caches, disable unnecessary bloatware, and explore the new features and settings introduced with Marshmallow.


Upgrading your phone to Android Marshmallow can significantly enhance your smartphone experience, providing improved features, security, and performance. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully update your device and take advantage of the latest Android version. Remember to back up your data, ensure compatibility, and follow the instructions provided by your device’s manufacturer or carrier for a smooth and hassle-free upgrade.

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